Journals and Articles:
Kalmanovich-Cohen, H. , Stanton, S. J.(2023). How can work from home support neurodiversity and inclusion?. Industrial and Organizational Psychology. 5Shrader, R. C., Simon, M. , Stanton II, S. (2021). Financial Forecasting and Risky Decisions An Experimental Study Grounded in Prospect Theory. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal. 171827-1841
Stanton II, S. , Welker, K. , Bonin, P. , Goldfarb, B. , Carre, J. (2021). The effect of testosterone on economic risk-taking: A multi-study, multi-method investigation. Hormones and Behavior / Elsevier. 134105014
Stanton II, S. , Kim, J. , Thor, J. , Deng, X. (2019). Incentivized methods to generate electronic word-of-mouth: Implications for the resort industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 78142-149
Simon, M. , Stanton II, S. , Townsend, J. , Kim, J. (2019). A multi-method study of social ties and crowdfunding success: Opening the black box to get the cash inside. Journal of Business Research. (104), 206-214
Wiekowski, A. , Stanton II, S. , Sinnott-Armstrong, W. , Huettel, S. (2019). When Neuromarketing Crosses the Line. Harvard Business Review. 76-81
Stanton II, S. , Sinnott-Armstrong, W. , Huettel, S. A.(2017). Neuromarketing: The Ethical Implications of its Use and Potential Misuse. Journal Of Business Ethics. 144(4), 799-811
Stanton II, S. (2017). The role of testosterone and estrogen in consumer behavior and social & economic decision making: A review. Hormones & Behavior. 92155-163
Duffy, K. , Harris, L. , Chartrand, T. , Stanton II, S. (2017). Women Recovering from Social Rejection: The Effect of the Person and the Situation on a Hormonal Mechanism of Affiliation. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 76174-182
Stanton II, S. , Townsend, J. , Kang, W. (2016). Aesthetic responses to prototypicality and uniqueness of product design. Marketing Letters. 27(2), 235-246
Stanton II, S. , Reeck, C. , Huettel, S. A., LaBar, K. S.(2014). Effects of induced moods on economic choices. Judgment and Decision Making. 9(2), 167-175
Rosch, A. G., Stanton II, S. , Schultheiss, O. C.(2013). Implicit motives predict affective responses to emotional expressions. Frontiers in Psychology. 49
Wang, L. , Paul, N. , Stanton II, S. , Greeson, J. , Smoski, M. J.(2013). Loss of sustained activity in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex in response to repeated stress in individuals with early-life emotional abuse. Frontiers in Psychology. 49
Paul, N. , Stanton II, S. , Greeson, J. M., Smoski, M. , Wang, L. (2013). Psychological and neural mechanisms of trait mindfulness in reducing depression vulnerability. Social, Cognitive, and Affective Neuroscience. 856-64
Wirth, M. M., Stanton II, S. , Liening, S. H., Gaffey, A. E.(2012). Letter in response to Ackermann et al., "Testosterone levels in healthy men are related to amygdala activity and memory performance". Psychoneuroendocrinology. 1587-1588
Wood, R. I., Stanton II, S. (2012). Testosterone and Sport: Current Controversies. Hormones & Behavior. 147-155
Appelbaum, L. G., Cain, M. S., Darling, E. F., Stanton II, S. , Mitroff, S. R.(2012). What is the identity of a sports spectator?. Personality And Individual Differences. 422-427
Stanton II, S. , Mullette-Gillman, O. A., McLaurin, R. E., Kuhn, C. M., LaBar, K. S., Platt, M. L., Huettel, S. A.(2011). Low and high testosterone individuals exhibit decreased aversion to economic risk. Psychological Science. 447-453
Stanton II, S. , Mullette-Gillman, O. A., Huettel, S. A.(2011). Seasonal variation of salivary testosterone in men, normally cycling women, and women using hormonal contraceptives. Physiology & Behavior. 804-808
Stanton II, S. , Liening, S. H., Schultheiss, O. C.(2011). Testosterone is positively associated with risk-taking in the Iowa Gambling Task. Hormones and Behavior. 252-256
Stanton II, S. (2011). The essential implications of gender in human behavioral endocrinology studies. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 3
Edelstein, R. S., Stanton II, S. , Henderson, M. M., Sanders, M. R.(2010). Endogenous estradiol levels are associated with attachment avoidance and implicit intimacy motivation. Hormones and Behavior. 230-236
Liening, S. H., Stanton II, S. , Saini, E. K., Schultheiss, O. C.(2010). Salivary testosterone, cortisol, and progesterone: two-week stability, interhormone correlations, and effects of time of day, menstrual cycle, and oral contraceptive use on steroid hormone levels. Physiology & Behavior. 8-16
Stanton II, S. , LaBar, K. S., Saini, E. k., Kuhn, C. M., Beehner, J. C.(2010). Stressful politics: Voters’ cortisol responses to the outcome of the 2008 United States Presidential election. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 768-774
Stanton II, S. , Beehner, J. C., Saini, E. K., Kuhn, C. M., LaBar, K. S.(2009). Dominance, politics, and physiology: Voters’ testosterone changes on the night of the 2008 United States Presidential election. PLoS ONE. 6
Stanton II, S. (2009). Endogenous testosterone levels predict amygdala response to dominance signals in men. Biological Psychology. 118-122
Stanton II, S. , Schultheiss, O. C.(2009). The hormonal correlates of implicit power motivation. Journal of Research in Personality. 942-949
Stanton II, S. , Edelstein, R. S.(2009). The physiology of women’s implicit power motive: Implicit power motivation is positively associated with estradiol levels in women. Journal of Research in Personality. 1109-1113
Schultheiss, O. C., Wirth, M. M., Waugh, C. E., Stanton II, S. , Meier, E. A., Reuter-Lorenz, P. (2008). Effects of implicit motives on brain activation in response to facial expressions of emotion: An fMRI investigation. Social, Cognitive, and Affective Neuroscience. 333-343
Stanton II, S. (2007). Basal and dynamic relationships between implicit power motivation and estradiol in women. Hormones and Behavior. 571-580
Schultheiss, O. C., Stanton II, S. , Wirth, M. M.(2004). Effects of affiliation and power motivation arousal on salivary progesterone and testosterone. Hormones and Behavior. 592-599
Books and Chapters:
Stanton II, S. Schultheiss, O. (2011). Testosterone and Power. (pp. 662-664). Sage Publications.Hall, J. Stanton II, S. Schultheiss, O. (2010). Biopsychological and neural processes of implicit motivation. (pp. 279-307). Cambridge University Press.
Stanton II, S. Hall, J. Schultheiss, O. (2010). Properties of motive-specific incentives. (pp. 245-277). Cambridge University Press.
Schultheiss, O. Stanton II, S. (2009). Assessment of salivary hormones. (pp. 17-44). Guilford.