Discrete-event simulation with SimPy

In this module we will:

  • learn the basics of building and using discrete-event simulation (DES) models in Python using the SimPy library,

  • learn to build command line interfaces and use configurations files to run different simulation scenarios,

  • deploy a Jupyter notebook to the cloud with Binder for running simulation scenarios.

Downloads and other resources

This downloads file will be used for the activities below.

Within the downloads file, you’ll find a folder named vaccine_clinic. I used the cookiecutter-datascience-aap template to create the project folder structure. All of the notebooks used below are in the notebooks folder (what a surprise) and the Python scripts are in src/vaccine_clinic. This is one nice thing about cookiecutters, you know where to find things (and put things). You’ll also find a folder named vaccine_clinic_share that will get used later in the Activities when we learn about running Jupyter notebooks in the cloud.


Getting started with SimPy

Start by opening the simpy_getting_started_vaccine_clinic.ipynb notebook. In it, you’ll:

  • get an overview of what DES is and for which kinds of problems it is well suited,

  • learn a bit about how DES works, Python generators and how SimPy uses generators to facilitate DES modeling,

  • build some very basic SimPy models based on a vaccine clinic to start to understand how to build SimPy models,

  • learn the basics of analyzing simulation model output.

Here’s are screencasts that go with this notebook:

Building a CLI for our vaccine clinic simulation model

Now we’ll make some improvements to our clinic model. In this notebook, vaccine_clinic_model4.ipynb, we will focus on building a command line interface to our model to facilitate running multiple scenarios.

Here’s the screencast that goes with this notebook:

Exploring vaccine_clinic_model4.py

We have made a number of improvements to the model:

  • Specifying the global sim inputs through a command line interface (CLI),

  • Getting rid of hard coded processing time distributions,

  • Automating the post-processing of simulation outputs to create summary statistics.

Now we have moved it out of the Jupyter notebook and into vaccine_clinic_model4.py. The model has grown into a more complex application and really isn’t well suited for continued development within a Jupyter notebook. In this screencast, I’ll take you on a journey through the code so that you have a better understanding of how it is structured and how it works. I’ll show you multiple ways to run it and we’ll learn a bit about PyCharm run configurations. Adding breakpoints to code and examining variables and data structures while stepping through code is a great way to better understand how a program works. And of course, it’s a great way to debug your programs.

Using the vaccine clinic model to explore scenarios

Now that you’ve got a better understanding of DES modeling and how the vaccine clinic model works, we’ll end this module by exploring a few different scenarios related to clinic capacity and patient volume. Open running_simulation_scenarios.ipynb.

What if you wanted to share your notebook by having it run in the cloud? There are actually several ways of doing this. We will do it using a popular service known as Binder. For this next screencast, you’ll be using the vaccine_clinic_share folder from the downloads file.

Extending the vaccine clinic model

We’ll end this module by exploring a few possible model design changes extensions. Open model_extensions.ipynb.